
abortion reversal

abortion; vote, Supreme Court; gavel, Arizona Court of Appeals, Planned Parenthood, attorney general's office, Roe. v. Wade, Brnovich, Eckerstrom
Aug 15, 2017

Arizona ordered to pay Planned Parenthood’s legal fees

The state of Arizona has been ordered to pay Planned Parenthood of Arizona and other abortion providers more than $600,000 in attorney fees and other costs they spent fighting a since-repealed law.

abortion, Planned Parenthood, 15 weeks, Lake, Hobbs, Masters, Kelly, Ciscomani, Engel, Lake, Hobbs, election, debate
Feb 22, 2017

Experts: Science behind ‘abortion reversal’ is flawed

Lawmakers in several states are considering requirements for doctors to inform women seeking medical abortions about an unproven procedure called "abortion reversal."

Oct 16, 2015

Medication abortion trial postponed again

Next week's scheduled hearing on the legality of an Arizona abortion restriction is off -- again.

Oct 8, 2015

State agrees to hold off on enforcing 2015 medication abortion law

The state has agreed not to enforce a law requiring doctors to tell patients that medication abortions can be reversed until a legal challenge of the law goes to trial.

abortions, stethoscope, fetus
Jun 22, 2015

Law would steer doctors toward unethical conduct, affidavit says

A law requiring doctors to advise women seeking medication abortions that the procedure may be reversed would steer patients toward doctors conducting potentially unethical research, according to an affidavit filed in a case challenging the law.

Jun 22, 2015

Abortion reversal law had its roots in 1968 letter from Pope Paul VI

A hearing in the Arizona House Committee on Federalism and States Rights earlier this year to vet a proposed law requiring doctors to inform women that medication abortions can be reversed disintegrated into a forum of name calling, tossed barbs, and political statements.

Jun 17, 2015

The Pope and abortion reversal

Arizona’s law requiring doctors to tell women that a medication abortion can be reversed has its roots in a 1968 letter from Pope Paul VI. The controversial encyclical, “Humanae Vitae,” affirms the church’s ban on contraception and abortion. The encyclical set off a firestorm and was hailed and criticized by many, including bishops and Catholic theologians.

Mar 30, 2015

Gov. Doug Ducey signs abortion medication requirement bill

Gov. Doug Ducey has signed a bill requiring abortion providers to tell women they can reverse the effects of a drug-induced abortion.

Federal judge puts Arizona abortion law on hold
Mar 30, 2015

Patients should not be subjected to dubious medical practices

Senate Bill 1318 now awaits the pen of Governor Doug Ducey. This anti-women's healthcare bill is egregious for many reasons, but its provision on so-called medical abortion reversal is tantamount to quackery.

Mar 11, 2015

‘Abortion reversal’ disclosure required in anti-abortion bill

State lawmakers are moving to force doctors to tell women their medical abortions can be reversed if they act quickly, a procedure that even its anti-abortion proponents admit lacks medical proof that it works.


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