Quality assurance staff reportedly prevented CPS cases from being investigated
Some Child Protective Services workers believed to have been involved in preventing thousands of abuse reports from being investigated also took part in a new quality assurance review of the cases in recent weeks.
CPS forum – Messages offer a ray of hope that could lead to reforms
Speakers at a Dec. 3 CPS Community Forum stepped to the microphone three minutes at a time for two hours to deliver old news: Foster parents get no respect, caseworkers are overworked and underpaid, and the Legislature is tight-fisted.
Proposals for fixing CPS emerge
Authorities search for new ideas in the face of an ongoing crisis
Some lawmakers say Child Protective Services needs more money. Others say it should become its own agency, separate from the Department of Economic Security. Another cautions against “reactionary legislation” that won’t really solve anything.
Arizona abuse cases to be reviewed by next week
An Arizona government official says his department will review more than 6,000 unexamined reports of child abuse and neglect by Dec. 2.
CPS to overhaul ‘frustrating’ abuse hotline
Overhauling the Child Protective Services abuse hotline and adding police officers to work alongside the agency’s social workers are among the most important recommendations of the Governor’s Child Safety Task Force one of the panel’s co-chairs said Dec. 30 after the recommendations were released.