Arizona delegation urges Flake, McCain to maintain Medicaid
A Republican state senator and representatives from business and health care groups are urged GOP Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake on Tuesday not to back cuts to Medicaid as part of a health care overhaul bill.
Medicaid progress at risk as cuts to program loom
No government program is perfect, but Arizona’s Medicaid program – known as AHCCCS – is the gold standard when it comes to delivering quality, affordable health care. Our state’s Medicaid program uses an integrated, managed-care model that promotes competition and patient choice, controls costs and incentivizes preventative care.
AARP’s view: Arizonans have a big stake in health care reform
As it stands, the AHCA would cut $839 billion in federal funds that help states, including Arizona, make sure that our most vulnerable citizens get the health care and long-term services and supports that they need.