

Aug 23, 2012

Faith leaders petition Brewer over immigration order

Some Christian activists around Arizona have delivered a petition to Gov. Jan Brewer's office, seeking a retraction of her executive order to bar public benefits for illegal immigrants.

Aug 21, 2012

Brewer defends order on illegal immigrants

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is saying the federal government and parents of young illegal immigrants are at fault as she defends her order denying driver's licenses and other public benefits to those who get work authorizations under a new Obama administration policy.

Aug 16, 2012

Latino activists march to Executive Tower to demand support from Brewer

Chants of “we are the dreamers, mighty mighty dreamers,” reverberated around the state Capitol on Aug.16 as a small group of protestors attempted to march into Gov. Jan Brewer’s office to directly ask her to support them.

Aug 13, 2012

Court dismisses suit vs Arizona’s Day of Prayer

A Maricopa County Superior Court judge has dismissed a lawsuit challenging Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's proclamations declaring a state "day of prayer."

Jul 9, 2012

Brewer, Arizona Chamber pan sales tax initiative

A ballot initiative to increase the state’s sales tax to fund education and construction jobs took two blows today when Gov. Jan Brewer and one of the state’s largest business groups came out against the measure.

Jun 25, 2012

Brewer declares victory in spite of mixed ruling

Gov. Jan Brewer declared victory today following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on SB1070, despite the high court’s decision to scrap three key provisions of the law.

Jun 22, 2012

Mum’s the word on next Commerce Authority CEO

More than a month after it called off a planned announcement on its next CEO, the Arizona Commerce Authority is staying tight-lipped about how it will choose the successor to Don Cardon when he leaves the economic development agency at the end of the month.

Jun 21, 2012

Gov. Brewer asks appeals court to allow day labor rules to take effect

Lawyers for Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer are asking an appeals court to rescind a ruling that prevents police from enforcing a little-known part of Arizona's immigration law.

Jun 7, 2012

Brewer to participate in corporate groundbreaking

Gov. Jan Brewer and the head of Arizona’s economic development program are scheduled to participate in a corporate groundbreaking ceremony. Clear Energy Systems is breaking ground today for its new... […]

Jun 1, 2012

Pay hike for lawmakers likely going to ballot — but history unfriendly

At a time when lawmakers are making headlines for misdeeds and scandal, voters may have their first chance in four years to consider a pay raise for the Legislature.

May 31, 2012

Task force on Arizona sales tax overhaul to be led by Brewer aide

Gov. Jan Brewer is tapping a senior member of her to staff to lead a task force that's supposed to make recommendations on ways to simplify Arizona's sales tax system.

May 25, 2012

She’s not all bad: Dems find silver lining in some Brewer vetoes

Democrats aren’t exactly viewing Gov. Jan Brewer as the second coming of Janet Napolitano, but they’re taking solace that her vetoes included bills that they viewed as some of the most onerous of the 2012 session.


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