
Chief Justice

May 2, 2016

Senators vote to expand state Supreme Court from five to seven justices

State senators voted Monday to expand the Supreme Court in what one Democrat lawmaker called a “power grab” by Gov. Doug Ducey.

Dec 21, 2015

Commission recommends $15,000 raise for judges

The commission that recommends salaries for lawmakers, executive officials and judges is hoping members of Arizona’s judiciary won’t have to go a full decade without a pay raise.

Jul 30, 2014

State Supreme Court to look into potential changes in State Bar

A state Supreme Court task force is going to look at whether there should be changes in the way the State Bar of Arizona is governed.

Scott Bales, chief justice of the Arizona Supreme Court. (Photo by Ryan Cook/RJ Cook Photography)
Jun 30, 2014

Scott Bales, Arizona’s new chief justice

The Arizona Supreme Court’s new chief justice, Scott Bales, began his five-year term June 27 and introduced the court’s plan to reach its top goals under his leadership. Bales, a Democrat who was appointed by former Gov. Janet Napalitano, has been on the bench since 2005. He took over the rotating position from Justice Rebecca White Berch, who will return to her duties as a justice.

Apr 2, 2014

State Supreme Court explains ruling on contribution limits

In a rare split decision, the Arizona Supreme Court explained today that a law setting new contribution limits is valid because voters in 1998 would have set specific amounts into statute if they wanted them fixed.

Feb 11, 2014

AZ chief justice: Maricopa courts worse than believed

The Arizona Supreme Court says financial troubles with two Pinal County courts are worse than initially believed.

6 ex-Arizonans prosecuted for voting twice in past
Jul 22, 2013

Former justices add star power to case against new law for appointing judges

Having a Dream Team of six former state Supreme Court justices brings more than just brain power to a lawsuit seeking to strike down a new law giving the governor a larger pool for appointing judges.

Dec 5, 2012

Court: Prop 204 clerical error didn’t confuse voters

The clerical error that led to two different versions of a ballot measure was an honest mistake that did not confuse voters, and thus didn’t warrant Secretary of State Ken Bennett’s decision to bar measure from going to voters, the Supreme Court said in an opinion published today.

Aug 20, 2012

Commission nominates three for state Supreme Court

The Commission on Appellate Court Appointments sent three state Supreme Court nominees to Gov. Jan Brewer today, including two whose names are familiar to her.

Mar 21, 2011

Berch pushes for probate reform and merit selection in speech to Legislature

Arizona’s chief Supreme Court justice, Rebecca White Berch, urged a joint session of the Legislature March 21 to reform probate court and not change the way the state chooses its judges.

Dec 9, 2010

Eligibility in question for some redistricting applicants

The eligibility to serve on the Independent Redistricting Commission will be in question for some of the 25 nominees whose names were passed onto legislative leaders Dec. 8.


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