
child welfare

Kids Count Data Book, child care, Arizona
Jun 15, 2023

Report: Arizona children’s well-being improves slightly but state still ranks among worst

An annual report that measures the well-being of children showed slight improvement for Arizona kids, but the Grand Canyon state remained among the lowest-ranked states.

child abuse, neglect, deaths, DCS
Feb 17, 2023

Child fatalities: We deserve an answer

In Arizona, 46% of abuse and neglect deaths involved a prior history with the state’s child welfare agency. Arizona Senate Bill 1252, championed by Sen. Janae Shamp, R-Surprise, recognizes these deaths are preventable, and we desperately need to chart a path toward change that will ultimately save lives. 

May 23, 2016

Lawmakers boost money for child safety agency, but with strings attached

Showing a commitment to improving outcomes for Arizona children in the state’s care, lawmakers made child welfare one of the greatest beneficiaries of the $9.6 billion budget adopted earlier this month.

Mar 28, 2016

CPS workers can interview children without adult’s consent, AG concludes

Child welfare workers can interview children without the consent of their parents, Attorney General Mark Brnovich concluded Monday.

Oct 8, 2015

Don’t give up on DCS yet! What the agency needs is inspiring leadership

Dear Legislature: Don’t give up on Arizona’s children and the Department of Child Safety yet, please.

Oct 6, 2015

McKay defends his approach, says DCS problems created by past administrations

Officials at the Department of Child Safety know the beleaguered agency has problems, but Director Greg McKay says previous administrations are to blame.

Oct 2, 2015

Hundreds of millions of dollars later, child safety programs plagued by the same problems

A decade ago, a team of auditors embedded themselves in the agency charged with protecting Arizona’s children and found that some reports of child abuse or neglect weren’t properly investigated. Other cases lacked the relevant information necessary to ensure children’s safety. Ten years, hundreds of millions of dollars and a new agency later, the problems that plague the Department of Child [...]

Sep 24, 2015

Child Safety director says goal of reducing backlog “not attainable,” money “not well spent”

One year and $29 million later, Arizona’s child welfare agency is no closer to eliminating a sizeable backlog of stagnant child safety cases, a goal the agency’s director now says was unattainable.

May 22, 2015

Wrongful termination suit filed by 5 ex-CPS workers tossed

A judge Thursday threw out a wrongful termination lawsuit filed by five former Arizona child welfare workers who were fired last year amid an agency scandal.

Mar 26, 2015

New child safety director describes plans to improve care

The Department of Child Safety’s new director outlined plans on March 23 to turn around Arizona’s ailing child welfare services in front of a legislative committee.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (Photo by Ryan Cook/RJ Cook Photography)
Dec 2, 2014

Brewer preparing budget protecting her priorities

Outgoing Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said Monday she is preparing a budget proposal that protects her top priorities but that she acknowledges can be ignored by governor-elect Doug Ducey.

Sep 25, 2014

Governor’s team completes its examination of child welfare cases

A special team formed by Gov. Jan Brewer to address 6,596 reports of neglect and abuse that child-welfare workers set aside without investigating has finished examining the cases.


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