

Oct 6, 2011

Former school redistricting chair Shultz urges dumping voter approval for district consolidation

The Arizona Legislature should pass a law requiring certain school districts to unify and consolidate rather than having voters decide what happens in their areas, the person who headed the state’s 2008 redistricting effort told a legislative committee Wednesday.

Oct 3, 2011

More delays in Bundgaard ethics trial

The trial involving whether Sen. Scott Bundgaard breached ethical rules could be pushed back to next year, when the legislative session starts.

Sen. Ron Gould, chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee, said the committee needs to resolve a request by a Democratic senator who is asking the committee to adopt a less-stringent burden of proof in investigating Bundgaard.

Apr 19, 2011

Lawmakers working fast to end session in coming hours

Lawmakers have been meeting all day as they try to churn through the last few pieces of legislation and wrap up legislative business for the year.

Dec 14, 2010

Legislative panel to consider sentencing changes

A legislative committee meets Tuesday to consider making recommendations on changes to Arizona's criminal sentencing laws.


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