National Latino Children Summit: access to education and job readiness
Arizona is a reflection of the demographic shifts of population happening in the nation. Latinos represent 30 percent of Arizona’s population and millennials between 18-33 years of age represent 42 percent of workers and eligible voters among the Latino population. Latino millennials represent the eruption of a powerful workforce of the future in Arizona.
Latino Voting Power
Still not enough to turn Arizona blue
It has practically become party doctrine among Arizona Democrats that the growing Latino population will turn the state purple, if not blue. To many, it’s simply a matter of when, not if.
Census: State’s Hispanic population up 46 percent
Figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau Thursday show Pinal County grew faster than any other in the state between 2000 and 2010, with the tiny town of Maricopa leading with a giant 4,000 percent population increase.