
Early voting

Sep 27, 2013

Latino Voting Power

Still not enough to turn Arizona blue

It has practically become party doctrine among Arizona Democrats that the growing Latino population will turn the state purple, if not blue. To many, it’s simply a matter of when, not if.

Sep 24, 2013

$11 million in the bank

Gallardo: HB2305 unnecessary, election problems could be solved with leftover HAVA money

Several provisions of HB2305 were drafted in direct response to problems in the 2012 election, when it took 11 days to call a close congressional race and an all-time high number of voters were forced to cast provisional ballots.

Jul 26, 2013

Supporters of controversial elections law start second committee to defend against referendum

The referendum effort against the state’s controversial new election law is now facing a two-pronged opposition, as a second political action committee filed paperwork July 23 to fight the referendum.

Sen. Michele Reagan
Jul 15, 2013

Backers of elections bill create committee to head off challenge

Supporters of a controversial elections bill formed a campaign committee to combat a referendum drive aimed at putting it on the 2014 ballot.

Protect Our Secret Ballot was filed with the Secretary of State’s Office on Monday to defend HB2305. Sen. Michele Reagan, who sponsored several bills that were later included in the omnibus elections, is the group’s chair.

In this Oct. 26, 2012, photo, members of the Native American Voters Alliance mark their ballots at an early voting center in Albuquerque, N.M. NAVA, the National Congress of American Indians and other groups have been working to turn around low voter participation that has persisted in Indian Country for decades. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan)
Jun 13, 2013

Arizona Senate passes election overhaul bill

The Arizona Senate revived an election omnibus bill Thursday that could limit early voting participation after Republican leaders pressured their caucus to pass the measure in the final hours of the 2013 legislative session.

Apr 15, 2013

Advocacy groups’ poll indicates most voters oppose early ballot bill

Nearly 60 percent of Arizona voters oppose a bill that could stop some voters from automatically receiving early mail-in ballots, according to a poll announced Monday by liberal advocacy groups ONE Arizona and Arizona Working Families.

Apr 8, 2013

Rejected ballots reflect continuing problems in Arizona’s elections

Tens of thousands of ballots cast in Arizona’s 2012 election were rejected by elections officials, indicating continued communication and voter education problems in the state, according to an analysis by the Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting.

In Maricopa County precincts with higher minority populations, greater chance of casting provisional ballots
Feb 5, 2013

Committee takes first step in changing voting laws

Hoping to lessen the crush of provisional ballots that delayed the final tally after the November election, the new Senate Elections Committee took its first step in changing the laws governing Arizona’s Permanent Early Voter List.

$30K in election date ads planned in Maricopa County
Oct 22, 2012

Activists threaten lawsuit over county officials’ early ballot warning

Hispanic activists are threatening to sue Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell if she doesn’t retract and clarify a statement she made last week.

Sep 6, 2012

Early ballots chosen by most who voted in Arizona primary election

Slightly more than 26 percent of registered voters in Maricopa County cast ballots in the Aug. 28 primary election, the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office reported.

May 25, 2012

Maricopa County’s early voter list tops 1 million

More than half of the 1.9 million registered voters in Arizona's most populous county are now signed up to automatically receive ballots for early voting.

Oct 27, 2010

Election night just the beginning for counties with piles of early ballots

Early ballots will be the first tallied on election night. And if history is a guide, they will also be among the last.


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