U.S. education secretary: Administration committed to helping rural schools
CASA GRANDE - The Obama administration is committed to improving the performance of rural schools, the U.S. secretary of education said Oct. 19. "There is significant underinvestment in rural communities, and we would like to right that balance," Arne Duncan told educators from eight counties.
Horne: Brewer’s P-20 Council more focused than Napolitano’s
With an eye toward reform and government grants, Gov. Jan Brewer established a new P-20 Council on education, replacing a similar body created by her predecessor. Brewer on July 27... […]
Burns contests Brewer’s comments on education funding
The verbal tussle between Gov. Jan Brewer and Senate President Bob Burns does not appear to have abated, even with a lull in activity at the Legislature. In a statement... […]
Arizona has some 25,000 homeless schoolchildren
The number of homeless schoolchildren in Arizona has surpassed 25,000, an increase of nearly 18 percent in the past year. Education officials say the rise is driven by the soaring rate of unemployment and foreclosures.
Bill aims to include insurance firms in corporate tax credit program, repeal sunset
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved legislation June 9 to expand the corporate income tax credit to include insurance companies.
Brewer concerned lawmakers’ budget could jeopardize stimulus money
Gov. Jan Brewer said the budget package passed by the Legislature may jeopardize federal stimulus money Arizona is receiving for education and health care.