
Four Peaks Brewing Co.

Andy Ingram, head brewer at Four Peaks Brewery in Tempe, describes the beer brewing process at their 18-year-old facility, which produces about 80,000 kegs or just less than 10 million beers each year. (Photo by Evan Wyloge/Arizona Capitol Times)
Jan 29, 2015

Arizona ‘beer bill’ would lift production limits for microbreweries

Four Peaks Brewing Co. co-owner Andy Ingram has a dilemma: If he wants to produce more beer, he might have to shut down some of his Arizona restaurants.

Sep 28, 2009

Supporters: Law raising microbrewery production limit good for Arizona firms, jobs

Jim Scussel and his partners started Four Peaks Brewing Co. 13 years ago as a brewery and tasting room, rolling out kegs of Scottish Ale, Four Peaks Ale and Arizona Peach to restaurants and bars. Four Peaks later opened a restaurant at its brewery in Tempe and another in north Scottsdale. And consumers now can purchase Kilt Lifter and its other brews at grocery and convenience stores around the[...]


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