

Oct 29, 2013

Immigration bill’s fate murky on eve of lobbying

WASHINGTON (AP) ai??i?? Prospects for comprehensive immigration legislation this year grew murkier on the eve of an all-out push by a coalition of business, religious and law enforcement to convince the House to overhaul the decades-old system.

Oct 21, 2013

Against the odds

Idealistic doctor quit job to pursue long-shot campaign for governor

Sep 7, 2013

Farnsworth, Fillmore and Townsend nominated as next LD16 state senator

GOP leaders in Maricopa County selected Republicans Dave Farnsworth, John Fillmore and Rep. Kelly Townsend as nominees to serve as the next state senator in Legislative District 16. The slate of nominees will be forwarded to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, which will select one of three to replace former Sen. Rich Crandall.

Sep 5, 2013

LD16 Republicans to nominate new AZ state senator

Legislative District 16 precinct committeemen from Maricopa County GOP are scheduled to meet Saturday evening to nominate three candidates to serve as the district's next Arizona state senator.

House Dems pick Campbell, Gallego, Wheeler for leadership
Aug 23, 2013

Democrats’ agenda will resonate with Arizona voters in 2014 and beyond

As we considered sites for the Democratic National Committee’s summer meeting, we looked for a location that would demonstrate our party’s ability and willingness to compete in states that have traditionally been Republican strongholds. We chose Arizona.

Jul 26, 2013

Political groups try to keep HB2305 from becoming law

When lawmakers rolled several controversial elections changes into one jam-packed omnibus bill and approved it in the final moments of the legislative session, a coalition of disparate political groups coalesced around a single goal: to stop the bill from becoming law.

Jul 8, 2013

GOP facing shifting cultural sands

The US Supreme Court’s decision to strike DOMA but allow states to carve their own path when it comes to same-sex marriage is reverberating in Arizona, but it remains to be seen what kind of an impact the decision will have on the Arizona Republican Party, where social conservatives dominate.

In this Oct. 26, 2012, photo, members of the Native American Voters Alliance mark their ballots at an early voting center in Albuquerque, N.M. NAVA, the National Congress of American Indians and other groups have been working to turn around low voter participation that has persisted in Indian Country for decades. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan)
Jun 13, 2013

Arizona Senate passes election overhaul bill

The Arizona Senate revived an election omnibus bill Thursday that could limit early voting participation after Republican leaders pressured their caucus to pass the measure in the final hours of the 2013 legislative session.

Deep split among GOP lawmakers to AHCCCS expansion
Jun 13, 2013

Poll shows majority GOP support for Medicaid expansion

A poll showing majority support for Medicaid expansion among GOP primary voters may be a ray of hope for Republican lawmakers who voted for the proposal at the request of Gov. Jan Brewer.

In a live-caller poll of 500 likely GOP primary voters conducted in late May by Public Opinion Strategies, a Virginia-based Republican polling firm, 53 percent of respondents said they supported Gov. J[...]

May 28, 2013

LaFaro rhetoric goes from Judas to Pearl Harbor

Maricopa GOP chairman AJ LaFaro once again has earned public scorn for writing a letter to GOP lawmakers in which he compares May 16, the day the Senate passed a budget that includes Medicaid expansion, to Dec. 7, 1941. “May 16, 2013, will be remembered as a ‘day of infamy’ in Arizona’s history.

May 28, 2013

GOP dilemma: draw new voters without irking base

WASHINGTON ai??i?? The Republican Party, having lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections, confronts a dilemma that's easier to describe than to solve: How can it broaden its appeal to up-for-grabs voters without alienating its conservative base?

May 28, 2013

Tobin fighting to hold caucus together, keep the budget in GOP handsh

A fight is brewing in the House that Speaker Andy Tobin didn’t ask for, and he’s trying to keep his caucus members from tearing each other apart over Medicaid expansion – and stop the budget from getting hijacked.


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