

Jan 22, 2010

End of GOP budget fight? Seriously?

For the first time in at least six years, the annual release of budget plans by the Arizona Legislature and the governor didn't result in bickering. Of course, it helps that the legislative Republican majority didn't put out anything even closely resembling a budget plan this year.

Nov 13, 2009

GOP pushing for 1-day special session

Barring any surprises, Gov. Jan Brewer is expected to call the Legislature into special session in the next few days. But her 1-cent sales tax hike won't be on the table - at least not this time. Still up in the air is the possibility of doing a second special session, possibly in December, for another round of cuts and potentially approving revenue generating options.

Jul 27, 2009

Is a budget deal close, or is it just smoke?

It sounds as though we might finally see some action on the budget. But, then again, that might just be what they want us to think. If I sound paranoid,... […]

Apr 28, 2009

GOP budget details released; reaction mixed

Republican lawmakers have released a budget proposal they say will balance a $3.3 billion budget deficit without raising taxes or borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars. Instead, they will rely heavily on cuts to education funding and municipalities.


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