Beyond black and white: uniting Arizona to end homelessness
Arizona’s homelessness crisis is a damning indictment of systemic failure. As lawmakers bicker over ideology and piecemeal policies, the human and economic toll grows — and the looming threat of […]
2024 brought some legislative success on housing, but left more to do
Both parties set their sights on easing Arizona’s housing problems in 2024, but even with bipartisan efforts, came up short.
Prop 312: a misguided response to homelessness and crime
This November, Arizona voters will be asked to decide on Proposition 312, a plan that offers property tax refunds to owners who face costs from public issues like homelessness, vandalism, […]
Ballot measure would penalize cities for homeless people damaging private property
Republican lawmakers are asking voters to approve a law that would put local governments throughout the state on the financial hook if property owners say they incurred expenses because of the failure to enforce various state and local statutes and ordinances, ranging from illegal camping and loitering to defecating or drinking in public.
Tempe hit by false attack on its homelessness efforts
Effectively addressing drug addiction, alcoholism, mental illness, and the many other causes of homelessness requires training and skill. It does not require — and indeed is hampered by — enabling activities. The well-meaning and those who pretend to be saintly often end up interfering with legitimate efforts to provide care and pathways toward recovery
AZ Hugs case shows cities embracing wrong solutions for homelessness
While governments are not required to provide shelter or food to those in need, they certainly cannot stand in the way of people who wish to do so. Good Samaritans like Norma and Austin have a constitutional right to engage in charity.
Legislation to compensate property owners for homeless nuisances to go to voters
Arizona property owners will be able to seek a property tax refund if their city, town or county fails to take steps to clear out encampments, stop public drinking or abate other nuisances created by homeless people under a measure the Legislature wants voters to approve in November.
Connecting struggling people to quality jobs is critical
When we invest in our unemployed and underemployed populations, we invest in individuals who can, in turn, contribute to our local economy. These individuals have the potential to become consumers, taxpayers, and contributors to the economic growth of Phoenix.
Study says US is ill-prepared to ensure housing for growing number of older people
As its population ages, the United States is ill-prepared to adequately house and care for the growing number of older people, concludes a new report being released today by Harvard University's Joint Center for Housing Studies.
‘Eternally complex problems’: bipartisan advocates talk affordable housing
A bipartisan group of housing reform advocates, from current and former state lawmakers to government leaders, gathered recently to talk about the lack of affordable housing in Arizona and solutions.
Tested, successful Scottsdale model ignored by Gress
With much fanfare, on Sept. 13, state Rep. Matt Gress, R-Phoenix, choreographed a committee hearing at the Scottsdale Civic Library, which Gress characterized as an “Ongoing Fight Against Scottsdale’s Taxpayer Funded Homeless Hotel Plan.”
The crisis hiding in plain sight? Advocating for 1.2+ million students facing homelessness
In 1988, about 1% of U.S. families were experiencing homelessness. Today, that number has grown to 34%. Since 2004, the number of students experiencing homelessness has risen by 63%. In a 2022 report from The National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE), it was reported that 1,280,886 students experienced homelessness during the 2019-2020 school year, which represented 2.5% of all students enroll[...]