All public schools should be owned by the public
When tax dollars pay for the building of a public highway, a state building, a city or county building, or buildings in a traditional school district, the property belongs to the public, not a private individual or company.
Native Americans’ right to live off land is essential
For centuries, Native Americans – just like my fellow farmers – have called upon the land they call home to make their way in the world.
Gov. Doug Ducey vetoes measures to take over federal land
Gov. Doug Ducey vetoed two bills by fellow Republicans on Monday that asked the federal government turn over public lands to the state. The GOP lawmakers said they wanted to use Arizona's federal public lands as a new stream of revenue for the state.
Border fence: Once again, the $264,000 question goes unanswered
A legislative panel that is looking into border security skirted a nagging question at a meeting this morning – what to do with roughly $260,000 that was raised to build a fence on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Park Service balks at requirement to plan ahead for future shutdowns
WASHINGTON – The National Park Service is not interested in coming up with plans to let states pay to keep parks open should another government shutdown occur, a service official testified Thursday to a House subcommittee.
Forget apps: In Congress, there’s a caucus for that, and Arizonans join up
WASHINGTON – Shipbuilding may not seem like a vital issue for arid, landlocked Arizona, but Rep. Trent Franks, R-Glendale, joined the Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus – along with 23 other caucuses and working groups.
Research, geography position Arizona for role in Mars missions
When the Curiosity Rover collects soil from the surface of Mars, data from the samples will come to an Arizona State University laboratory to be compared with the composition of soil on Earth.
Proposition 120 would declare state sovereignty over resources
When Rep. Chester Crandell, R-Heber, looks back at wildfires that have devastated Arizona’s forests in recent years, he sees a legacy of mismanagement by the federal government.
Phoenix offers $1M above appraisal for land
Phoenix airport officials are offering $1 million more than the appraised value for a piece of contaminated land south of Sky Harbor International Airport where they want to build a parking lot. But some members of the City Council are balking at the deal, saying they can't understand why the Aviation Department is offering more than the land is worth.