Robson defeated in bid to return to the Capitol as Democrat Mitzi Epstein wins House seat
Democrat Mitzi Epstein has snagged a seat in the Arizona House of Representatives, flipping a post previously held by Republicans.
‘Mainstream’ McComish called ‘extremist’ by Dem foe Hydrick
Last year, Sen. John McComish, a Republican from Phoenix, embraced the political risks that came with voting against measures that were aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration.
Poll: Lewis, Pearce neck-and-neck in recall contest
With only a few days left until voters head to the ballot box to decide the fate of Senate President Russell Pearce, a poll commissioned by the Arizona Capitol Times and ABC15 News shows the race is a dead heat.
Mesa Republican Jerry Lewis, who is seeking to unseat Pearce in the Nov. 8 recall election, is holding his own among fellow GOP voters, despite being heavily outspent b[...]