Rash of GOP bills seek to empower lawmakers, disempower voters
Arizona Republican legislators have a habit of pushing ideas that make their own lives easier, but harder for voters to have their voices heard.
Candidates’ forums will highlight an active year for the League of Women Voters
For the League of Women Voters, election time is an exciting and busy time of year. The election ballot will include more candidate races and ballot measures. Take your time voting to ensure you vote for all races and ballot measures.
Voter citizenship lawsuit looms over 2014 election
Kansas and Arizona are seeking to force the U.S. Election Assistance Commission to change its federal voter registration form for those states to include special instructions requiring citizenship documentation.
Arizona redistricting panel beginning work on maps
A state commission is poised to start drawing new congressional and legislative districts for use in elections in the coming decade, with some initial but tentative signs already pointing to significant changes across the state's political landscape.
Paycheck Fairness Act is a big step toward the nation’s economic recovery
Equal Pay Day symbolizes the point in the next year to which a woman must work, on average, to achieve pay equity with men. Put in more concrete terms, to achieve pay equity, women had to work all of 2010 plus almost four extra months, from January to April 12, 2011, to match men’s earnings during the 12 months of 2010.