Walking the green mile with Green Party candidate Gregor Knauer
Bringing a whole new meaning to back-door politics, Gregor Knauer agreed to run for office while standing in the alley behind his Tempe home.
May withdraws from House race in LD17
Former lawmaker Steve May announced Sept. 13 he is terminating his campaign for the House in Legislative District 17. May got on the November ballot after winning a spot in the primary as a write-in candidate. His presence as a Republican in the swing district that spans Tempe and Scottsdale posed a threat to two Democratic challengers.
The openly gay former lawmaker gained recent headl[...]
May’s DUI is but one ‘skeleton’ this election season
This is the time when the skeletons come out, and we’re not talking about Halloween. With election season in full swing, reporters and political operatives are looking into the backgrounds... […]