Violence is being used to destroy democracy
The Second Amendment was originally written so that state militias could respond in defense of democracy if the government turned into a tyranny. Now the Second Amendment has been perverted to give individuals guns so they can overthrow the government and create a tyranny.
LGBT and conservative? You’re not alone
I encourage all LGBT voters to look at what the Democrat Party has become and ask yourselves: “Does this party truly represent my values?” If the answer is no, don’t feel alone – the Republican Party has room for you.
The Breakdown: No turning back
Last week The New York Times warned that the Trump administration may soon define 1.4 million transgender Americans out of existence. One of those Americans is Tracey Nadzieja.
Transgender judge takes bench as gender issues heat up
Tracey Nadzieja never wanted to be the story. But she was thrust into the spotlight this year when she became the first known transgender judge in Arizona.
At least 7 women’s marches and rallies held around Arizona
Department of Public Safety officials estimated that at least 20,000 people participated in Sunday's two-mile march in downtown Phoenix that began and ended at the State Capitol.
Dem leader says new Senate harassment policy doesn’t go far enough
A move by Senate leadership to update the chamber's harassment policy is provoking some criticism over what is not included.
Kendra Tonan-Lizzarago: Showing world what being transgender means
Kendra Tonan-Lizzarago, president of Trans Spectrum of Arizona, has been working to educate Arizonans on what being transgender means and show them how they can protect trans people.
Arizona narrowly avoided backlash facing North Carolina
An economic backlash broadened Tuesday against a North Carolina law that critics say discriminates against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people with PayPal announcing it has canceled a major expansion in the state.
No action by lawmakers, but gay rights activists continue fight against discrimination
Arizona’s lawmakers weren’t ready to consider legislation that would have let voters decide whether to outlaw discrimination against gays, leaders of gay rights groups say.
Mormon Church offers civil rights protection to gay community
An olive branch of sorts being offered to the gay community by the Mormon Church has advocates on the extremes of both sides here saying there may be grounds for compromise.
Mormon leaders call for measures protecting gay rights
The Mormon church announced a campaign Tuesday for new laws that protect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people from discrimination while somehow also protecting people who assert their religious beliefs.
Schools, same sex marriage, ‘dreamers’ win in court
Courts in 2014 struck down Arizona laws by siding with gays, abortion providers, and illegal immigrants. Public school students also got a big win in court, but that case probably won’t be resolved any time soon.