From boycotting Bush to endorsing Trump: A history of Log Cabin Republicans in Arizona
1996 was a banner year for gay Republicans in Arizona. Republican U.S. Rep. Jim Kolbe of Arizona publicly came out as gay. Mayor Neil Giuliano of Tempe, then a Republican, […]
For Log Cabin Republicans, ‘gay conservative’ is not a contradiction
Matthew Shuman looks forward to voting for Donald Trump this fall and said he agrees with the Republican Party on most everything, including its policies on national security, gun rights and economic liberalism.
Arizona campaign to legalize same sex marriage intensifies
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions in two gay-marriage cases Wednesday signaled the start of Arizona’s next round in marriage politics.
Same sex marriage initiative off to fast start
Backers of an Arizona same sex marriage initiative say they plan to report Thursday morning they have collected $85,000 in large contributions since they launched the effort on Monday.