China is weaponizing its minerals monopoly
For more than a decade, Washington has talked a big game about breaking China’s grip on the world’s mineral supplies. And both Presidents Trump and Biden have labeled America’s mineral […]
The Biden mining policy trainwreck
There is an alarming disconnect between the Biden administration’s rhetoric on America’s minerals challenge and the policy needed to address it. The mismatch between soaring mineral demand and our unsustainable reliance on overseas suppliers—notably China—is a clear danger in need of urgent action.
Biden Manufacturing Plan Requires Major Increase in U.S. Mining
Instead of increased reliance on mineral production in China, a major polluter, Washington should encourage domestic mining under world-leading environmental and labor standards. Turning a blind eye to China’s pollution, labor abuses, and human rights violations should no longer be tolerated.
Longtime mining museum volunteers usher in new era
The Arizona Mining and Mineral Museum welcomed more than 40,000 children across the state each year before it closed in 2011, but it will soon be rockin’ again under new ownership.
Pearce Mining Metropolis
This board and batten shack at the mining camp of Pearce in southeastern Arizona was photographed sometime after 1894, the year of a gold and silver strike there. The shack appears to have been built in two pieces – an addition is tacked on to the side of the main room with a one-by-four. The incongruous address above the doorway suggests that the shack was hauled from another location – perha[...]