The Biden mining policy trainwreck
There is an alarming disconnect between the Biden administration’s rhetoric on America’s minerals challenge and the policy needed to address it. The mismatch between soaring mineral demand and our unsustainable reliance on overseas suppliers—notably China—is a clear danger in need of urgent action.
Peabody seeks to extend the life of Navajo Generating Station
Coal supplier Peabody Energy is pressing the case before the Arizona Corporation Commission to save the Navajo Generating Station. Peabody Energy, the largest private-sector coal producer in the world, owns the Kayenta Mine, which operates solely to fuel the Navajo power plant.
Multi-national Miners
Arizona’s mining camps were full of immigrants. The 1882 Great Register of Cochise County listed residents born in Algiers, Argentina, Australia, Azores, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Finland French Guinea, Greece, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia and Spain. There was even one resident born at sea.