Pearce touts tax cuts in first mailer; no mention of illegal immigration
Senate President Russell Pearce is touting his work to reduce corporate taxes and balance the state budget in his campaign’s first mailer aimed at keeping his legislative seat in the recall election targeting him.
Phasing out: Feelings mixed on demise of 2-decade old Enterprise Zone program
If one were to measure the success of Arizona’s Enterprise Zone program by some of the eulogies that followed its demise, you might question why it was even created in the first place.
But a flurry of applications from businesses hoping to cash in on the expiring property tax breaks in the Enterprise Zone program leaves no doubt that it will be missed.
Lack of Internet sales tax pits small retailers vs. online giants
A 1992 Supreme Court decision ruled that online and mail-order retailers do not have to charge consumers sales tax if the company did not have a presence in the consumer’s state, opening the debate about what exactly constitutes a “presence.” A warehouse? A storefront?
Bumpy road ahead for ‘second jobs bill’
After two hours of discussion among Gov. Jan Brewer and members of the Arizona Commerce Authority on how to boost economic development in Arizona, Rep. Tom Forese delivered a surprisingly candid admonition of the governor.
Unions sue over picketing, ‘paycheck protection’ bills
The Arizona Education Association is suing the state over what it says are unconstitutional restrictions on the way unions can use money that is automatically deducted from its members paychecks.
Small business’ top 10 legislative victories in 2011
The 50th Arizona Legislature has boldly staked its claim to being the most pro-small business Legislature in Arizona’s history. On issue after issue, legislators advanced measures to relieve the tax and regulatory burdens on the engines of our economic recovery, Arizona’s small businesses. Even in instances where lawmakers mistakenly pursued bad policy, they did so with the right motive in min[...]
Invest Arizona veto rattles supporters All signs pointed to approval, but bill’s divisiveness proved its undoing
Supporters of a bill that would have created massive property tax breaks for major business investments couldn’t have asked for more signs that Gov. Jan Brewer would stand with them.
As it turns out, they could’ve used a few more.
GPEC plan moves forward, sans tax credits
A plan viewed by supporters as a second jobs bill cleared another legislative hurdle, but a provision expanding tax credits for new jobs might have to wait until next year.
Some say ‘incentives,’ others call them ‘bribes’
Like many public-private partnerships, the Arizona Commerce Authority will be responsible not only for attracting new businesses, but also for doling out incentives. Others say the incentives many states use to lure new companies ignore the needs of businesses already in the state, especially small businesses, while paying their competition to move in next door.
Electorate’s message: No more stimulus packages
Simply put, the 2010 election results show that the American people (and Arizonans) know that government central planners cannot spend and stimulate our way out of recession and reject the notion that these same government workers are qualified to pick winners and losers in tax policy.
State faces decisions on money borrowed for unemployment fund
With the unemployment rate still hovering near 10 percent, Arizona has drained its jobless benefit fund, forcing the state to borrow millions from the federal government to help out-of-work residents.
Supporters say Proposition 106 protects health care rights; foes call it useless
Supporters of Proposition 106 say allowing Arizonans to opt out of any federal or state health care mandate would preserve the right of individuals to make their own decisions. Opponents, however, say the measure could derail the benefits of federal health care reform here if the state can defend it in court.