‘Parent empowerment’ bill barely passes Senate
A bill that would allow parents to shut down a failing school, fire its principal or turn it into a charter school narrowly won passage in the Senate today. The legislation applies to schools that receive a “D” or “F” under the state’s new grading system.
‘Parent empowerment’ bill has roots in Democratic, Republican circles
The Goldwater Institute looked to a group of community organizers and Democratic operatives for inspiration for its latest school choice idea.
The institute helped draft and is advocating for SB1204, which would allow parents of students attending failing schools to close down the school, convert it to a charter school or remove the principal.
What real ‘parent empowerment’ looks like
Imagine if your child’s assigned elementary school had puddles of urine in the bathroom, mouse droppings in the cafeteria and clogged water fountains. Now imagine if the principal rejected your complaints.