
Randall Friese

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer holds up the contentious Medicaid expansion bill after signing it into law. (Photo by Evan Wyloge/Arizona Capitol Times)
Jun 30, 2017

Arizona on course to relive health care ordeal if Congress cuts Medicaid

Arizona already knows what will happen if its Medicaid program falters. In 2011, the state froze enrollment for childless adults in its Medicaid system, leading to more than 160,000 left without coverage in a relatively short amount of time.

Jan 19, 2017

Freedom trumps brain injuries in battle over motorcycle helmets

Arizona motorcyclists remain free to ride with the wind in their hair, the sun burning their scalp -- and the chance of a head injury.

Aug 31, 2016

Friese wins, Kopec defeated by Powers Hannley

Democratic Rep. Randy Friese coasted to an easy re-election, though his appointed seatmate, Democratic Rep. Matt Kopec, succumbed to a third Democratic challenger in the Democratic primary for the two House seats in Tucson’s Legislative District 9.

Feb 8, 2016

Arizonans go head to head on motorcycle safety laws

Rep. Randall Friese, D-Tucson, has introduced House Bill 2052, that would require all motorcycle riders to wear a helmet, unless they pay a fee when registering the motorcycle.

Mar 24, 2015

House approves measure prohibiting ACA insurance plans from covering abortions

The state House voted Monday to deny coverage for women for elective abortions if they get their insurance through the Affordable Care Act.

Mar 2, 2015

Arizona House gives preliminary ok to guns in public buildings

In a move that could cost taxpayers millions of dollars, the state House gave preliminary approval Monday to letting people bring guns into public buildings, from city offices to libraries.

Nov 6, 2014

Democrat Randall Friese retakes Lead over Republican Rep. Ethan Orr

Democrat Randall Friese has taken a 233-vote lead over Republican Rep. Ethan Orr in what has become a seesaw race for the second House seat in Tucson’s Legislative District 9.

Oct 13, 2014

Surgeon who helped save Giffords’ life challenges Republican Orr in Tucson’s LD9

In their quest to oust Republican Rep. Ethan Orr from one of the two House seats in the Democratic-leaning Legislative District 9, Tucson Democrats found their dream candidate in Randall Friese, a man with a bio that’s hard to criticize.

Oct 7, 2014

Lively District 9 debate raises question: Who would best serve Tucson?

The three candidates running for two House seats in Tucson’s Legislative District 9 clashed over education, abortion and guns Monday in the first debate that put both Democrats and the Republican in the same room.


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