Rep. Thorpe’s sovereignty bills get national attention, but die in Arizona
Republican Rep. Bob Thorpe of Flagstaff is the new poster child for the Republican insurrection against President Obama, at least according to a pair of recent editorials in national newspapers.
A Thorpe in the king’s side
It’s not exactly a thumbs-up, but two national newspapers held up Thorpe as an example of Republican insurrection against Obama and the federal government.
Negotiations between Clean Elections, House leadership fell short
Disagreements over the Citizens Clean Elections Commission’s authority over nonparticipating candidates and independent expenditure committees derailed a possible last-minute deal with House Republican leadership over the future of Arizona’s system of public funding for political campaigns.
Governor signs bill cutting taxes for insurance companies
Arizona is set to reduce taxes for insurance companies under a new bill Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law Monday.
Lawmakers attempting to revive ‘ballot harvesting’ ban
Lawmakers are attempting to revive one of the most controversial portions of a repealed election law from 2013 via a last-minute strike-everything amendment to a bill scheduled to be heard in a special meeting of House Elections Committee Thursday.
Dems say Begay betrayed party with decisive votes for GOP budget
Three key votes swung the budget in Republicans’ favor in the Arizona Senate, but none was more crucial than that of Democratic Sen. Carlyle Begay.
Medicaid waiver provides opening for premiums, higher copays
The Obama administration’s willingness to cut deals with Republican states as a way of getting them to cover more people under the Affordable Care Act has given Arizona’s conservative leaders the perfect opening to push for premiums and bigger copays on Medicaid members.
Ducey defends deeper cuts to higher education
Gov. Doug Ducey is defending a budget proposal that would take more money from Arizona's universities, saying it was necessary to slash deeper there to ensure a balanced budget.
In redistricting case, Supreme Court probes meaning of ‘legislature’
The United States Supreme Court set out to today determine what the Founding Fathers meant when they wrote that state legislatures shall determine the time, manner and place of federal elections.
Coalitions block GOP bills to repeal Common Core, boost school choice
After campaigning on an education platform of increasing school choice and doing away with Common Core, many conservative Republicans in the Legislature are frustrated to find that they can’t make good on their promises to constituents.
Sinema, Kirkpatrick may lose big if lawmakers redraw congressional districts
If the U.S. Supreme Court orders the Arizona Legislature to redraw the state’s congressional map, Republican strategists expect Democratic Congresswomen Ann Kirkpatrick and Kyrsten Sinema’s congressional districts to be the first on the chopping block.
Politics 101: How government becomes more complicated
Traditionally, Republicans campaign on limiting government, but many introduce one or more bills that would expand government right after they win re-election. It’s done in various ways – establishing a new commission, adding new regulations for an industry, launching a new program, or adding to what has already been established.