School advocates fear losing counselors as funding set to expire
Hamilton High School in Chandler brought on extra counselors and social workers when the school, along with other schools across the country, received federal funding during the pandemic, but that some of that money is set to expire this year.
Hiring school counselors can’t wait
In Arizona, help for our schools can always wait, it seems. A 903-1 student-to-counselor ratio is an emergency. The consequences of delay could be tragic. Our state's response requires more urgency than "wait until next year."
Funding for school counselors is investment in state’s future
Ensuring that all students have access to a knowledgeable school counselor will be a powerful step toward increasing college access and toward reaching our statewide attainment goal of 60 percent by 2030, as set by Achieve60AZ. To this end, funding for school counselors should not be seen as an expense.