
school tuition organization

Jun 30, 2020

Supreme Court cements Arizona school tax credit

A new U.S. Supreme Court ruling allowing state funds to be used for parochial school scholarships in Montana cements in place a system that has existed here for years, all... […]

Sep 29, 2015

Democrats offer plan to raise $4 billion for education

In response to education funding plans proposed by the governor and legislative Republicans, Democrats today released their own school funding plan, boasting that their proposal would raise nearly $4 billion dollars over 10 years without increasing taxes.

vouchers, Hobbs, Ducey, Lewis, Save Our Schools, private schools, tuition, public schools, Toma
Jul 28, 2015

STOs have the power to direct more resources to students

In response to the July 17 article, “Administrative bloat? Republican lawmaker sets sights on school tax credit organizations,” we agree that Student Tuition Organizations have a responsibility to minimize administrative costs and dedicate more funds to the students we serve.

Feb 23, 2015

House kills STO expansion bill, cancels votes on other school choice bills

Republicans and Democrats joined forces in the Arizona House of Representatives today to kill a bill that would have expanded School Tuition Organization tax credits. That led Republican leadership to unexpectedly cancel another vote on two other “school choice” bills.

Feb 1, 2012

School tuition legislation could cost state up to $28.5M

The Senate on Jan. 19 approved a two-bill package that expands a program allowing a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for contributions to groups that give scholarships to private school students.


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