
Sean Laux

Aug 19, 2015

State offering 2-month amnesty plan to late taxpayers

Do you owe tax payments to the state? Or did you just “forget” outright to file income tax returns in one – or more – prior years? The state is making it worthwhile to come clean.

Dec 8, 2014

State Revenue Department no longer mailing out tax forms

Like filing your income taxes with pen and paper? The state is going to make it more difficult for you to get the forms you need. And if you don’t have a computer, then be prepared to spend some time on the road to get them.

Sep 29, 2014

Arizona smokers hit with online sales taxes

Arizona smokers who thought they were getting a good deal by buying cigarettes online are now being served with tax bills by the state.

Mar 10, 2014

Solar industry opposes tax on leased panels

Solar industry officials who spoke with lawmakers this week said they hope to stave off a property tax for leased panels in Arizona.

Feb 11, 2014

AZ Lawmaker: Small Business Bill of Rights would rein in regulators

Calling it a response to state regulators bullying small businesses, a lawmaker wants to require agencies to list owners’ rights on their websites and present them prior to any investigation.

May 24, 2013

TPT plan gets Arizona closer, but not close enough for online sales tax

Even if Gov. Jan Brewer’s sales tax reform bill passes this year, Arizona will still have some work to do before it can reap the benefits of proposed federal legislation allowing states to collect sales taxes for online purchases.

Apr 12, 2013

Lawmakers continue their quest to use gold and silver as legal tender

The Arizona Senate is poised to take a final vote on a bill to recognize gold and silver as legal tender in the state, but officials are at least a year away — if not longer — from setting up a system for Arizonans to use gold and silver to make purchases.


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