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Steve Farley

Feb 27, 2013

Senate advances bill to make gold and silver legal tender in Arizona

The Arizona Senate gave preliminary approval today to a bill that would recognize gold and silver as legal tender in the state, an effort its sponsor said harkens back to a basic reading of the United States Constitution and respect for a basic form of wealth.

Feb 25, 2013

Hope springs eternal in the land of lagging legislation

With the committee deadline to hear bills in their chamber of origin passed, the major work of weeding out bills is done. But like weeds, bills are never really dead, and can sprout back up at any time before the session ends.

Feb 20, 2013

Bid for texting-while-driving ban stalls once again at Legislature

The latest attempt to create a statewide ban on texting while driving is stalled at the Legislature.

Feb 18, 2013

Senate panel debates ‘seductive evils’ of U.N. sustainability doctrine

An Arizona Senate panel approved a bill that would prohibit the state or any local government within Arizona from abiding by the principles of a United Nations declaration on sustainable development.

“The truth contained within this United Nations program is something sinister and dark,” Burges testified to a round of applause in committee. “The plan calls for government to take cont[...]

Feb 18, 2013

From child abuse to the Golden Rule: Bill would rid state of license plates linked to private groups

Roughly 1,800 Arizonans order a Child Abuse Prevention plate every month. That translates into almost $375,000 per year that goes to programs that prevent child abuse.

Feb 8, 2013

Proposal to end gas tax runs into roadblocks

Saying the state’s gas tax is “dying and never coming back,’’ a Democratic lawmaker wants to study tax alternatives and allow the Department of Transportation to run pilot programs testing the ideas.

Sen. Bob Worsley (File photo)
Feb 4, 2013

Senator proposes online voting for 2014

A bill to establish an online voting pilot program in time for the 2014 primary election is drawing bipartisan support in the Arizona State Senate.

Sen. Bob Worsley, R-Mesa, said the technology is readily available to ensure the safety and accuracy of online voting – an effort that could save the state millions of dollars in expenses racked up by mailing ballots to voters, he added.

A bill by Sen. Steve Farley, D-Tucson, would require corporations and individuals acting as intermediaries for political contributions to disclose the source and any other intermediaries behind them. (Photo by Lauren Ettlinger, Cronkite News Service)
Feb 1, 2013

Tucson lawmaker targets dark money in campaigns with disclosure bill

A state lawmaker wants to force shadowy political groups to disclose the sources of dark money they pump into campaigns.

Jan 16, 2013

Report ranks Arizona traffic-safety laws among worst in nation

WASHINGTON – Arizona’s vehicle-safety laws continue to be among the worst in the nation, according to a report released Tuesday by a national highway safety advocacy group.

Dec 28, 2012

Top quotes of 2012

This year's most outstanding quips, gibes and utterances.

State Sen.-elect Steve Farley, D-Tucson, said he plans to reintroduce his bill that would ban texting behind the wheel. Rare when he first introduced the bill in the Arizona House, Farley said most states now have such laws and Arizona needs to catch up. (Cronkite News Service photo by Joe Henke)
Dec 7, 2012

State lawmaker pledges to renew fight for ban on texting while driving

State Sen.-elect Steve Farley, D-Tucson, said he will reintroduce legislation next year to ban texting while driving, despite repeated rejections in the House, noting that the rest of the country has finally caught up with his idea.

Nov 26, 2012

New Senate committees have narrower partisan split

Reflecting the new political reality at the Capitol, incoming Republican leaders have created a dozen Senate committees with a narrower partisan split.


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