Flat-rate tax plan would have bipartisan support
The closely divided Arizona electorate wants practical solutions, not strict ideology. They will support my tax plan as they are willing to pay in an equitable way for more government services. I ask the Arizona Legislature to put my 4.5% flat income tax plan on a ballot for voters to decide.
Challenge filed against ballot measure to tax the rich
Saying voters are purposely being misled, organizers of the #InvestInEd initiative asked a judge on Friday to force lawmakers to recraft the description of the measure that will go to voters.
Tax break for military retirees barely passes Senate committee
SB 1167, approved on a 4-3 bipartisan vote by the Finance Committee, would allow those who have served for at least 20 years to exempt $10,000 of their pensions from the state income tax.
Lower tax rates + biased researchers = ‘hatchet job’
If the success of supply side economics is so obvious, why doesn’t the research show it? We know the bias of the university research community – over 80 percent of their campaign contributions go to Democrats. The expression of this bias in the pages of research journals has been non-stop.
Extracting funds for K-12
Crandell’s overhaul of school finance plan attracts skepticism and support
It’s a puzzle that has vexed policymakers, education leaders and business groups for decades, but it’s one that Sen. Chester Crandell hopes to solve: How can the state revamp education funding to be both fair and simple?
Some panel members say Arizona’s income tax system is fine after all
Members of a panel tasked with studying Arizona’s personal income tax system said that while flattening or doing away with the income tax may be a popular talking point, the state’s current system is reasonably fair and may not need a major overhaul.
Arizona could get revenue pickup from ‘fiscal cliff’
Legislative budget analysts say the federal budgetary "fiscal cliff" may have a bright side for the state treasury, at least in the short term.
Arizona businesses eye tax hike for jobless benefits
In a somewhat unusual turn of events, Arizona's tax-averse business community is asking state lawmakers for what amounts to a temporary tax increase for employers.
Homeowners, commercial property owners, need to know future tax obligations
Reducing taxes is attractive for those who pay and the GOP plan is good for business, bad for homeowners. Conceptually, it is very simple however: property tax revenue results from assessed valuations multiplied by tax rates.
The problem is the government spends money and then expects taxpayers to pay, similar to a spendthrift college student with a parent’s credit card.
Senate Republicans plan business tax cuts
Senate Republicans will push for a slew of tax cuts for businesses next year, part of a package aimed at attracting companies to Arizona.