
tea party

Jul 27, 2012

Women facing new Tea Party-backed health care restrictions

Starting next week, women across the state will face a choice between their privacy, their health care coverage and their jobs.

Jun 25, 2012

Tea Party taking aim at moderate Republicans in primary

It’s been two years since the Tea Party flexed its political muscles and sent more Republicans to the state Capitol than at any time in state history, and Tea Party activists haven’t put their tri-cornered hats back on the shelf yet.

Jun 22, 2012

Will Scottsdale fancy a spot of tea?

The LD23 House race is shaping up to be one of contrasts: Ugenti is playing up her tea party affiliations, while her opponent, Jennifer Petersen, is taking a different tack.

May 11, 2012

Sens. Shooter, Nelson headed for primary battle

A primary matchup is brewing between Sen. John Nelson of Litchfield Park and Sen. Don Shooter of Yuma.

May 9, 2012

Brewer now ‘more favorable’ on contraception bill

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer says a contraception coverage bill now on her desk was improved in the time since she voiced reservations about an earlier version as being intrusive.

May 4, 2012

Republicans’ ‘bait-and-switch’ budget lacks vision

Arizona Legislative Republicans did the state a disservice by pushing through a bait-and-switch budget that lacks vision, leaves kids of working families without health care coverage and fails to create jobs.

Mar 19, 2012

Pearce vows return to Capitol, will run for Senate

Russell Pearce, the architect of many of Arizona's anti illegal immigration laws, vowed tonight to return to the state Capitol, months after he was ousted in a recall election.

Mar 13, 2012

You’ve got tea in my Republican Party

A March mailer from the Arizona Republican Party appears to have widened a political rift among factions of county precinct committeemen and may have run afoul of federal rules that offer lower mailing rates for non-profit political entities.

Feb 20, 2012

House Dems: Tea party bills diverting attention from jobs, education

“Extremist” bills inspired by the tea party movement are taking the Legislature’s attention away from issues important to Arizonans, such as jobs, fixing schools and making government accountable, House Democratic leaders said Monday.

Aug 9, 2011

Freshman Rep. Gosar reflects on trial by fire — and wildfire — in first year

A year ago, Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Flagstaff, was a dentist whose only government experience was as vice-chair of the American Dental Association’s lobbying arm.

But that was before he unseated Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, D-Flagstaff, in November. Before 20-hour days juggling committee hearings, constituent meetings and floor votes, while trying to keep up to date on issues.

Aug 5, 2011

Tea Party license plate drive in neutral

One of the most unexpectedly controversial issues from last session — the creation of a “Don’t Tread on Me” license plate meant to help Tea Party groups raise money — is off to a slow start since the governor signed the law.

May 13, 2011

Tea Party Influence: New GOP legislators pushed ideological needle to the right

Friendly to faith-based legislation and deeply rooted in a small-government and fiscally disciplined philosophy, Arizona’s new legislators helped define and successfully push a conservative agenda at the Capitol.


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