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Jan 19, 2017

Does research and development include hockey?

Some have questioned whether the $1 billion in university bonding capacity that Ducey is proposing could be used for another ASU priority that is having trouble getting any traction at the Legislature: a hockey facility in Tempe that would be home to the Arizona Coyotes and ASU Ice Devils.

Nov 18, 2016

Key lawmakers question Coyotes’ strategy for financing new arena

The Arizona Coyotes want taxpayers to pay for half of planned arena in the East Valley with a public-finance scheme resembling one lawmakers have traditionally loathed.

Sep 14, 2015

Don’t call it a TIF ­- new economic development tool emerges

Municipal officials are hoping to get a new economic development tool next legislative session while avoiding comparisons to the oft-maligned system known as tax increment financing.


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