Statewide photo-radar ban fails a 2nd time
A ballot measure that would outlaw the use of photo radar in the state failed a second time in the Senate today, spurring the sponsor to declare the proposal most likely dead this session.
Bill would impose fee to replenish fund left low by photo enforcement
Photo enforcement may be gone from Arizona highways, but its revenue is not forgotten.
Backers of initiative prohibiting traffic cameras fall short
Organizers of an initiative campaign to prohibit the use of cameras for traffic enforcement in Arizona have fallen short of collecting enough signatures.
Political winds shifted against photo radar
The lesson learned from Arizona’s brief flirtation with photo radar is that it’s better to be popular than effective. The statewide photo-enforcement program will end July 15. Shortly after taking office in January, Gov. Jan Brewer said of the program: “I hate it.”
Short and tumultuous history of freeway photo enforcement
A timeline of the most notable moments from photo radar's history.