9043 E Posada Ave
REAL ESTATE // September 20, 2024
  • Category: Trustee Sales
  • Posted: 09/20/2024
  • Insertion Order: 2650743
  • Inserts: 4
  • Document: Print Version
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TS No. AZ08000039-24-1 APN 312-09-346 7 AKA 312-09-346 TO No. 240217398-AZ-VOI NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The following legally described trust property will be sold, pursuant to the power of sale under that certain Deed of Trust dated May 10, 2022 and recorded on May 11, 2022 as Instrument No. 20220410110 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Maricopa County, Arizona. NOTICE! IF YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A DEFENSE TO THE TRUSTEE SALE OR IF YOU HAVE AN OBJECTION TO THE TRUSTEE SA
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9043 E Posada Ave

September 20, 2024

TS No. AZ08000039-24-1 APN 312-09-346 7 AKA 312-09-346 TO No. 240217398-AZ-VOI NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALEThe following legally described trust property will be sold, pursuant to the power of sale under that certain Deed of Trust dated May 10, 2022 and recorded on May 11, 2022 as Instrument No. 20220410110 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Maricopa County, Arizona. NOTICE! IF YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A DEFENSE TO THE TRUSTEE SALE OR IF YOU HAVE AN OBJECTION TO THE TRUSTEE SALE, YOU MUST FILE AN ACTION AND OBTAIN A COURT ORDER PURSUANT TO RULE 65, ARIZONA RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, STOPPING THE SALE NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME ON THE LAST BUSINESS DAY BEFORE THE SCHEDULED DATE OF THE SALE, OR YOU MAY HAVE WAIVED ANY DEFENSES OR OBJECTIONS TO THE SALE. UNLESS YOU OBTAIN AN ORDER, THE SALE WILL BE FINAL AND WILL OCCUR at public auction to the highest bidder in the courtyard by the main entrance of the Superior Building, 201 West Jefferson, Phoenix AZ 85003 on November 20, 2024 at 10:00 AM on said day. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 9043 E POSADA AVE, MESA, AZ 85212 LOT 346, OF ARIZONA SKYLINE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, RECORDED IN BOOK 586 OF MAPS, PAGE 41. APN: 312-09-346 7 AKA 312-09-346 Original Principal Balance $637,500.00 Name and Address of original Trustor LINH PHAN, AN UNMARRIED MAN AND MARGUERITE HANCOCK, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN, JOINT TENANTS 9043 E POSADA AVE, MESA, AZ 85212 Name and Address of the Beneficiary Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Company c/o Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. 3217 S. Decker Lake Dr. Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Name and Address of Trustee MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps 17100 Gillette Ave, Irvine, CA 92614 949-252-8300 TDD: 711 949.252.8300 Said sale will be made for cash (payable at time of sale), but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Note secured by said Trust Deed, which includes interest thereon as provided in said Note, advances, if any under the terms of said Trust Deed, interest on advances, if any, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trust created by said Trust Deed. The Trustee will accept only cash or cashier's check for reinstatement or price bid payment. Reinstatement payment must be paid before five o'clock P.M. (5:00 P.M.) on the last day other than a Saturday or legal holiday before the date of sale. The purchaser at the sale, other than the Beneficiary to the extent of his credit bid, shall pay the price bid no later than five o'clock P.M. (5:00 P.M.) of the following day, other than a Saturday or legal holiday. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. Conveyance of the property shall be without warranty, express or implied, and subject to all liens, claims or interest having a priority senior to the Deed of Trust. The Trustee shall not express an opinion as to the condition of title. Date: August 12, 2024 MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps Rosenda Cardenas, Authorized Signatory Manner of Trustee qualification: Real Estate Broker, as required by ARS Section 33-803, Subsection A Name of Trustee's regulator: Arizona Department of Real Estate SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ONLINE AT www.insourcelogic.com FOR AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: In Source Logic at 702-659-7766 Order Number 105139, 2650743 Pub Dates: 09/20/2024, 09/27/2024, 10/04/2024, 10/11/2024, AZ CAPITOL TIMES

Ad # 2669060

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