Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Reports Staff
Franks holds solid lead in CD2
Incumbent Rep. Trent Franks, with 58.4 percent of the vote, appears headed back to Washington in January to start his third term representing Arizona's 2nd Congressional District. The Republican candidate is […]
Mitchell set to return in CD5
Democratic incumbent Harry Mitchell will likely be returning to Washington in January to represent Arizona's 5th Congressional District. Mitchell leads the race with 53.2 percent of the vote, according to […]
Flake holds commanding lead in CD 6
Democratic hopeful Rebecca Schneider, with 35.1 percent of the vote, has been defeated in the 6th Congressional District by four-term Congressman Jeff Flake. Flake leads the ticket with 61.9 percent […]
Arpaio headed to fifth term as sheriff
Rose compares Arpaio to Wyatt Earp; Saban says he's like William Wallace
At the Biltmore with longtime McCain supporter Wes Gullett
McCain supporter Wes Gullett joins the crowd at Arizona Biltmore Nov. 4. (Photo by Bill Coates) The crowd is gathering for John McCain's big speech tonight at the Arizona Biltmore […]
Shadegg on top in CD 3
With all but just a small fraction of the ballots left to count, it appears Republican incumbent John Shadegg, with 53.8 percent of the vote, will return to Washington to […]
McCain supporters keep hope alive at the Biltmore
The risers for TV crews and a handful of still photographers are crowded with cameras and sound equipment by early afternoon. (Photo by Bill Coates) According to countless polls taken […]
Melvin holds off Cage in LD26 Senate race, Dems keep one House seat
Al Melvin has recaptured the District 26 Senate seat for Republicans, defeating Cheryl Cage by more than 1,000 votes according to preliminary results from the Secretary of State. Cage, a […]
Easy sledding for Dems in LD27 races
Sen. Jorge Luis Garcia was winning re-election in District 27, leading Republican challenger Bob Westerman by a 2-to-1 margin with 71 percent of the votes in, according to unofficial results […]
Republican Jones defets Dem Ulmer in LD24, returns to House
A Yuma Republican appears likely to return to the House of Representatives, two years after he lost a bid for the state Senate. Russ Jones, who served one term in […]
GOP surprises, likely to win LD23 House seat
With all precincts reporting, Democrat Sen. Rebecca Rios is headed to the Legislature in January to represent District 23, after receiving 56 percent to 44 percent over Republican Andre Campos, […]
Thomas on way to second term as County Attorney
Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas was elected to a second term in office on Nov. 4, defeating Democratic challenger Tim Nelson. Thomas received nearly 515,000 votes of almost 1 million […]