Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Times Staff
Tovrea Castle
Alessio Carraro was an Italian immigrant who settled in San Francisco in 1906. He became a successful businessman, land developer and investor, and according to his son, Leo, was always adventurous. That may be why in 1928 he sold his San Francisco sheet metal business and moved to Phoenix. He bought 277 acres of desert between Van Buren and the Salt River, east of 40th Street, and planned to cons[...]
Capitol Quotes: April 6, 2012
This week’s most outstanding quips, jibes and utterances.
Sponsor promises to narrow contraception bill
A conservative bill that aimed to limit birth control coverage and generated a heated political fight is being revived in the Arizona Legislature.
Capitol Quotes: March 30, 2012
This week’s most outstanding quips, jibes and utterances.
Capitol Quotes: March 23, 2012
This week’s most outstanding quips, jibes and utterances.
Capitol Quotes: March 16, 2012
This week’s most outstanding quips, jibes and utterances.
Central Avenue grows up
Pioneer developer William J. Murphy planted the ash trees that originally lined Central Avenue As he developed subdivisions across the Valley, he also built his own home for north of the Phoenix city limits on Central Avenue in the Orangewood subdivision.
Capitol Quotes: March 9, 2012
This week’s most outstanding quips, jibes and utterances.
Capitol Quotes: Feb. 24, 2012
This week's most outstanding quips, jibes and utterances.
Capitol Quotes: Feb. 17, 2012
This week's most outstanding quips, jibes and utterances.
Capitol Quotes: Feb. 10, 2012
This week's most outstanding quips, jibes and utterances.
Capitol Quotes: Feb. 3, 2012
This week's most outstanding quips, gibes and utterances.