Recent Articles from The Associated Press
Arizona House OKs bill shielding lottery winners
The Arizona House has joined the Senate in passing a bill shielding the names of lottery winners for 90 days after they claim their prize.
House committee passes bill to fund predictive policing
A House committee has approved a bill allotting more than $1 million to implement a pilot program to predict where and when crime will happen.
Ruling revives lawsuit over marijuana dispensary certificate
An appellate court ruling revives a company's lawsuit challenging a state agency's decision to award a certificate for a medical marijuana dispensary in a northern Arizona community to a rival.
Legislature passes bill limiting city contracts with unions
The House has passed a bill preventing cities and towns from requiring union contractors for public works projects.
3 teams remain in running for Phoenix freeway project
Three teams of developers, contractors, engineering firms and consultants remain in contention for a mammoth Arizona freeway construction project.
Senate set to debate bill outlawing aggressive panhandling
The Senate is set to debate a bill that outlaws aggressive panhandling in public places.
Banking Across the Border – South: Dollars can be a dirty word at banks on US-Mexico border
The clamor to crack down on laundering drug money was loud in 2010 when Wachovia National Bank was found to have let $110 million from Mexico be sent through its accounts. It grew two years later when HSBC Holdings PLC agreed to pay $1.9 billion to settle violations that included letting hundreds of millions of dollars from drug cartels flow through one of the worldai??i??s largest banks.
Arizona House again sets debate on abortion restrictions
The Arizona House has again scheduled debate on a bill barring women from buying any health care plan through the federal marketplace that includes abortion coverage after two previous delays.
Senate committee set to debate Bill ditching Common Core
A Senate committee is set to debate a bill ditching the state's new Common Core school standards and stripping the state Board of Education's power to adopt new standards.
Arizona House again sets debate on abortion restrictions
The Arizona House has scheduled debate on a bill barring women from buying any health care plan through the federal marketplace that includes abortion coverage after a one-day delay.
Senate committee set to hear bills blocking Clean Water Act
A Senate committee is set to hear two bills blocking the enforcement of federal rules and regulations not enacted by Congress.
House committee OKs bill for voters to kill Clean Elections
A House committee has passed a measure asking voters to eliminate the Citizens Clean Elections Commission.