Recent Articles from The Associated Press
Police: Priest killed with gun owned by colleague
A homeless ex-convict is being held on $1 million bond, accused of beating a priest with a metal rod in his residence at a Phoenix church and then wrestling away a handgun owned by the clergyman before fatally shooting the man's assistant.
Phoenix to vote on higher downtown parking rates
Parking rates on some downtown Phoenix streets could soon cost as much as $4 per hour during peak times.
Ex-Fiesta Bowl boss to start serving sentence
The former Fiesta Bowl chief executive is scheduled Friday to start serving an eight-month federal prison sentence for his acknowledged participation in an illegal campaign contribution scheme.
Republicans boost Hispanic outreach in Southwest
The Republican Party is expanding its Hispanic outreach in the Southwest, hoping to capitalize on the popularity of its two Hispanic governors in the region and win back a part of the country that has been trending Democratic.
Maricopa County Attorney Montgomery calls for Horne to resign
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery says Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne has brought disgrace to his office and should step down.
Yarnell Hill memorial construction begins
Construction has begun on a cemetery memorial for 19 firefighters killed in an Arizona wildfire last year.
Vets flood American Legion seeking help with care
Vietnam veteran Gene Stoesser has been waiting nearly two months for an appointment with a Veterans Affairs doctor to schedule his heart surgery.
Arizona prison improved since 2010 inmate escape
KINGMAN ai??i?? An Arizona prison has vastly improved its security in the four years since a 2010 inmate escape that resulted in the murder of an Oklahoma couple, officials said Sunday.
Veterans group opening Phoenix VA outreach center
The American Legion is opening a "crisis command center" in Phoenix to help veterans caught up in the waiting list scandal at Veteran Affairs medical centers.
New VA head: 18 vets left off wait list have died
In a new revelation in the growing VA scandal, the organization's acting head says that an additional 18 veterans whose names were kept off an official electronic Veterans Affairs appointment list have died.
DHS to stop transporting migrants to Arizona
Officials with the Honduran and Guatemalan consulates in Phoenix say no more migrant families are being transported to Arizona from Texas.
AZ state board to vote on pension-overhaul plan
The state's police and fire pension oversight board is set to vote on a proposal to overhaul the system and bolster its finances.