Recent Articles from The Associated Press
Arizona immigrant advocacy group launches forums
A Phoenix-based organization that is pushing for federal immigration reform is holding a series of forums around Arizona.
McCain’s presidential campaign committees fined
John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign committees have been fined $80,000 for accepting contributions that exceeded federal limits.
County won’t prosecute border agent in shooting
A U.S. Border Patrol agent won't be prosecuted by Cochise County for the 2011 fatal shooting of a man who was climbing over the fence into Mexico from southeastern Arizona, authorities said.
Phoenix to begin national search for city manager
Phoenix leaders are beginning a national search to find a replacement for outgoing City Manager David Cavazos.
Ex-border officer in Arizona sentenced to 12 years
A former Customs and Border Protection officer convicted on charges that he let marijuana be smuggled from Mexico into southeastern Arizona was sentenced to 12 years in prison.
Arpaio critic’s suit over 2008 arrest dismissed
A lawsuit by a critic of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio over the critic's disorderly conduct and trespassing arrest in 2008 was dismissed on the day the trial was to start.
Arizona sheriff: Armed militias beware or be shot
Tough-talking Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is warning civilians who embark on armed patrols in remote desert terrain that they could end up with "30 rounds fired into" them by one of his deputies.
Housing prices in Phoenix-area soar 27 percent
Researchers at Arizona State University say rising interest rates don't appear to be affecting the Phoenix-area housing market, which is making a comeback.
Arizona prison capacity: shortfall or surplus?
Arizona has either a shortfall of approximately 4,000 prison beds or a surplus of about 1,000 beds, with the difference based on whether more than 5,100 temporary beds are counted as part of the overall picture.
Paul Petersen selected as Maricopa County assessor
Paul Petersen is the new assessor for Maricopa County.
The county Board of Supervisors on Monday unanimously selected Petersen for the job over 10 other applicants.
Hernandez resigns as head of Arizona clemency board
The head of the state Board of Executive Clemency has resigned and been replaced by another member of the board.
Governor Brewer to lead Arizona trade mission to India
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is scheduled to lead a delegation to India this week.