Recent Articles from The Associated Press
Ex-Arizona legislator files lawsuit against Phoenix
A former state senator who resigned in January over a domestic violence incident involving his ex-girlfriend has filed a lawsuit against Phoenix.
Arizona court to hear appeal on marijuana ruling
A state appeals court hears arguments Thursday on whether to temporarily put on hold a judge's order upholding Arizona's medical marijuana program.
Hearing on voting rights turns partisan
Senate Democrats and Republicans sparred Wednesday over whether voter ID laws, attempts to purge voter rolls and restricted early voting were legitimate efforts to stop fraud or mainly Republican strategies to hold down Democratic votes.
Number of migrant drop houses in Phoenix way down
Federal officials say the number of so-called "drophouses" discovered harboring illegal immigrants in the Phoenix area has decreased significantly over the last four years.
Arizona among states to reach settlement with US cigarette makers
Three U.S. cigarette makers say they have reached a settlement with 17 states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico to resolve a dispute over payments required under a 1998 anti-smoking agreement.
Jury: MCSO didn’t discriminate vs Muslim officer
A federal jury has ruled the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office didn't discriminate against a Muslim man who claims he lost his job as a jail detention officer over a dispute about his beard.
Arizona panel wants delay for redistricting case
Arizona's redistricting commission says a Republican-backed lawsuit challenging new legislative districts should be put on hold in federal court until related issues are resolved by state courts.
Retiring US Sen. Jon Kyl praised by McCain
Retiring U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl is being praised for serving Arizona for more than a quarter century.
Arizona lawmakers to review drug settlement
Arizona legislators on Tuesday will review Attorney General Tom Horne's plan for use of the state's $6 million share of a multistate settlement with the drug company Johnson & Johnson.
Child Protective Services to restore most services that were cut
Arizona's child welfare agency plans to restore most services to children and parents that it says were cut due to a misunderstanding.
Mexican spotted owl recovery could cost $42M by 2022 feds say
The federal government estimates it will cost more than $42 million over the next decade to help get the Mexican spotted owl off the national list of threatened species.
Bennett to testify before Congress on voting rights
Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett has accepted an invitation to testify before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday in Washington D.C.