Recent Articles from The Associated Press
Arpaio outraises challengers in fundraising in sheriff’s race
Republican Joe Arpaio remains the leader in fundraising in the race for Maricopa County sheriff.
Brewer to address business forum in Canada
Gov. Jan Brewer and other state officials will travel to Canada to pitch business leaders and others on investment, trade and tourism opportunities in Arizona.
Feds seek earlier sentencing date for Loughner
A new sentencing date has been requested for the man who pleaded guilty in Tucson shooting rampage that wounded former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Arizona’s 6th Congressional District Democrat Matt Jette leaving the party
The Democrat who won the primary in Arizona's 6th Congressional District ditched the party on Thursday and said he will seek election as an independent.
Brewer appeals ruling on part of Arizona immigration law
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is appealing a ruling that prevents police from enforcing a little-known section of the state's 2010 immigration law.
ASU asks for money to move law school to Phoenix
Arizona State University is asking the state university board to approve nearly $130 million for a new downtown law school even though the university president acknowledges that moving the school is financially untenable.
Glendale continues fight against tribe’s casino plans
Glendale continues to oppose a southern Arizona tribe's plan to open a casino near the city's sports and entertainment district.
Brewer to attend border governors meeting in New Mexico
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer plans to attend a U.S.-Mexico border state governors meeting for the first time.
Hundreds attend memorial service for Sheriff Dever
Hundreds of law enforcement personnel and members of the general public attended a memorial service in Sierra Vista for longtime Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever.
GOP Corporation Commission candidates agree to return some Clean Elections funding
Arizona's campaign finance commission on Wednesday will consider a proposed settlement agreement to have the three Republican candidates return a total of nearly $29,000 of public financing.
Sentencing set for man in Fast and Furious case
A new sentencing date has been set for a man who admitted working as a straw buyer for a gun smuggling ring that was monitored in the government's botched investigation known as Operation Fast and Furious.
Arizona highway to be used for Dever procession
Part of State Route 90 in southeastern Arizona will be used for Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever's funeral procession Wednesday afternoon, and the Department of Transportation says motorists can expect delays.