Recent Articles from The Associated Press
Ariz. partners benefits case goes to Supreme Court
Arizona is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn lower courts' rulings that the state cannot take away state workers' same-sex domestic partner benefits.
Mesa offers incentives for solar systems
MESA ai??i?? The city of Mesa is launching a pilot program that will provide up to $100,000 in incentives to residents and business owners who install a solar system.
Rise in independents may reflect frustration
An increase in Arizonans registering to vote as independents may be fueled by voter frustration over partisanship.
Ex-Mexican president to speak at Peoria dinner
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox will deliver a keynote speech in Peoria in September just before the beginning of a newly revived Hispanic festival.
Arizona ranks 3rd in number of unidentified remains
Arizona ranks third nationally among states with the highest number of unidentified human remains, and officials say the reason is the high number of people who die while attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border through the state's remote deserts.
72 run under Arizona’s Clean Elections system
About 35 percent of the nearly 200 state and legislative candidates in this year's election decided to run using Arizona's publicly funded Clean Elections system. The Arizona Republic reports that 72 people are running with Clean Elections funding.
Arizona ruling due on liability in work travel cases
The Arizona Supreme Court is expected to issue a ruling on how much liability companies have for their employees when the workers are on out-of-town assignments.
Navajo lawmakers reject water rights settlement
FLAGSTAFF ai??i?? Navajo lawmakers have rejected a settlement to recognize the tribe's water rights from the Little Colorado River basin, likely sending the tribe and its Hopi neighbor back to court to resolve their claims.
University of Ariz. plans to welcome new leader
TUCSON ai??i?? The University of Arizona plans to mark its new president's first day on the Tucson campus since being appointed to the post.
Ann Weaver Hart will be welcomed on Monday by faculty and student leaders and a university band.
Treasurer of Brewer’s PAC on probation with board
The treasurer of Gov. Jan Brewer's political-action committee is on probation with a board that licenses accountants and had his registration as a securities salesman revoked in 2009.
Ex-Arizona governor detained at border checkpoint
Former Gov. Raul Castro was recently detained at a Border Patrol checkpoint in southern Arizona in 100-degree heat after the vehicle he was traveling in triggered a radiation sensor.
EPA proposing to approve Ariz.’s air quality plan
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to approve Arizona's plan to control sulfur dioxide and soot at three power plants in the state.