Recent Articles from The Associated Press
Grijalva to hold series of meetings on immigration
U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva will hold forums to discuss immigration policy changes made by President Barack Obama that would offer a chance for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to stay in the country and work.
Wright’s design for Ariz. Capitol on display
A blue spire would have reached into the clouds, shadowing a blue lattice canopy made to filter sunlight over the buildings, fountains and pools ai??i?? all designed to create an "Oasis in the Desert."
Ex-legislator Patterson no longer applying for NM town board
The Silver City Sun-News reports Daniel Patterson rescinded his application to the Silver City Planning and Zoning Commission in an email to the town's mayor. In the email, Patterson cites growing job and personal responsibilities as the reasons.
High court upholds key part of Obama health law
The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the vast majority of President Barack Obama's historic health care overhaul, including the hotly debated core requirement that virtually all Americans have health insurance.
Feds ask judge to reject Arpaio’s dismissal bid
The U.S. Justice Department has asked a federal judge to reject Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's request to dismiss parts of a lawsuit by the federal government that alleges the sheriff's office has committed a wide range of civil rights violations.
Pima County likely to issue permit for copper mine
TUCSON ai??i?? Pima County authorities are poised to allow a proposed copper mine to operate along the Catalina Mountains.
SB1070 ruling won’t take effect until mid-July
The most contentious part of Arizona's immigration law won't take effect until at least July 20. The U.S. Supreme Court told a lower court Tuesday that the provision's effective date could be pushed back further if the Obama administration seeks a rehearing before the nation's highest court.
Brewer extends rulemaking review
Gov. Jan Brewer has issued an executive order continuing her regulatory review and moratorium for state agencies. The current rulemaking review and moratorium is set to expire on Saturday, which is the end of the fiscal year.
Arizona police face questions after court ruling
TUCSON ai??i?? Arizona's police chiefs and county sheriffs hoped a U.S. Supreme Court ruling would settle their long-running debate on what role, if any, they should play in immigration enforcement. Instead, the justices' decision to uphold the state's "show me your papers" statute has left them with more questions than answers.
Arizona GOP delegate pulled gun on repo man
KINGMAN ai??i?? An Arizona Republican delegate is facing assault charges after Kingman police said she pointed a gun at a rep man and led authorities on a chase.
Federal hotline set up for Arizona immigration enforcement concerns
The Justice Department has set up a hotline for the public to report potential civil rights concerns regarding the Arizona law that requires police to check the immigration status of those they stop for other reasons.
Obama offers mixed verdict on immigration ruling
Pressing his immigration agenda, President Barack Obama said he is pleased the Supreme Court struck down key parts of Arizona's immigration law Monday but voiced concern about what the high court left intact.