Recent Articles from The Associated Press
Economy tops in early Ariz., Mich. exit polls
Preliminary results from exit polling in Arizona and Michigan suggest voters in each state made up their minds earlier than voters in previous contests. While voters remain focused on the economy, abortion and immigration are growing in importance.
Court warns Arizona about execution protocol
A federal appeals court panel on Tuesday issued a strong warning to Arizona officials who have continuously violated and changed their own written protocol for executing state death-row inmates.
Senate fails bills on teacher conduct
The Arizona Senate has failed to pass three bills barring educators from partisan instruction, using unapproved course materials or using language in the classroom that violates Federal Communication Commission standards.
Arizona high court denies last-minute stay in execution scheduled Wednesday
The Arizona Supreme Court and a federal court on Monday refused to stop the scheduled execution of a death row inmate who is scheduled to die Wednesday.
Arizona bills on teacher conduct advance in Senate
Arizona teachers may find themselves under greater scrutiny if the Legislature continues to advance bills barring educators from partisan instruction, using unapproved course materials or using language in the classroom that violates Federal Communication Commission standards.
AZ Republicans pick presidential candidate Tuesday
Arizona Republicans head to the polls Tuesday to help pick a presidential nominee.
Bill would allow parents access to kids’ texts
Pending legislation could soon allow Arizona parents to see what text messages their children are sending and receiving.
Forum about Arpaio’s office set for Tuesday
Latino and black leaders will hold a forum in Phoenix Tuesday night to gather public input on what sort of agreement the U.S. Justice Department should strike with Sheriff Joe Arpaio to settle civil rights allegations against the police agency.
AZ GOP voters go to polls in uneventful primary
Arizona Republicans go to the polls this week in what could be one of the least-watched races in the presidential primary.
Ethics bills creep along after Fiesta Bowl scandal
A criminal investigation into the Fiesta Bowl scandal has started producing guilty pleas, but proposals to tighten gift restrictions and bolster disclosure requirements for officials and lobbyists are nowhere near the goal line at the Legislature.
Gay sheriff prompts intriguing questions
A few days ago, the Yavapai Tea Party gathered at a church in rural Arizona to discuss the all-too-familiar topic of illegal immigration. Among the conservative, mostly over-55 crowd, it is a subject seen in black and white. Build a fence, add agents, reject amnesty a�� period. And so it was all the more striking when, off to the side in a room with "Jesus Loves Us!!" written on a chalkboar[...]
AZ judicial review panel to hold public hearings
A state commission that provides performance reviews for many of Arizona's state court judges will hold hearings in March for public comment.