Recent Articles from Fara Illich, Cronkite News Service
Groups object to housing immigration detainees in Pinal County jail
The first stop for all Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainees is just down the road from here at the Florence Detention Center, which has a new soccer field, offers buffet-style dining and allows face-to-face visits with family, friends and lawyers.
Phoenix to transform vacant lot into hub for agriculture, art, public gatherings
Surrounded by food trucks, mural artists and 200 boxed trees, Mayor Greg Stanton announced plans Monday to transform a 15-acre midtown lot into a place for growing crops, displaying artwork and holding public gatherings.
Thousands of Arizona veterans face backlog on disability claims with VA
Peering through the new prescription glasses he just got from the veterans hospital, Korean War veteran Gilbert Torres sifted through a stack of papers detailing claims he’d had pending with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs since July 2011.
Community support and legislation fight unemployment among post-9/11 vets
As a post-9/11 veteran, Enyart is part of a group that had a 9.7 percent unemployment rate as of September, well above the overall unemployment rate of 7.8 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Proposition 115 would give governor more power in judicial selections
Proposition 115 asserts that more is better when it comes to selection and retention of state judges in Pima and Maricopa counties as well as appellate and Supreme Court judges.
Stanton: Ethics task force will promote openness, accountability
A committee tasked with evaluating the city’s ethics standards will promote transparency, openness and accountability, Mayor Greg Stanton said Monday.