2 men charged in LD14 GOP meeting altercation
The Town of Gilbert filed charges against two family members of a Republican House candidate in Legislative District 14 for an alleged assault at a precinct committee meeting.
Meet Democratic candidates for Corporation Commission
Three Democrats are hoping to drastically change the makeup of the Arizona Corporation Commission this November and give the regulatory body a Democratic majority.
CD3 Democrats squabble over big spending outsiders
Heavy outside spending flowed into the Democratic primary in the 3rd Congressional District in the past weeks, as candidates Raquel Terán and Yassamin Ansari trade barbs about their financial backing.
Pima County sample ballot error weakens voter confidence
Pima County’s distribution of 135,541 sample ballots with an incorrect Election Day date could undermine voter confidence in elections, election law lawyers said.
Conservative group targets non-citizens on voter rolls
A group headed by a former Trump adviser is threatening to sue the state's 15 counties if they don't try to check on whether there are non-citizens on their voter registration rolls.
Heap’s former role with county attorney unclear
State Rep. Justin Heap, a Republican candidate for Maricopa County recorder, once worked under disbarred former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas.
Abortion ballot measure heads to court
Arizona for Abortion Access filed a lawsuit on Wednesday to push back on what they call “politicized language” in the publicity pamphlet summary for their citizen initiative, which would permit abortions up to fetal viability.
Group to sue over GOP lawmakers’ description of abortion ballot measure
A pro-abortion group plans to file a lawsuit Wednesday over the way their initiative is set to be summarized in the information pamphlet that is sent to voters ahead of the election, a spokeswoman told the Arizona Capitol Times.
Hobbs focused on flipping Legislature
Gov. Katie Hobbs believes she can help do something that hasn't happened since before she was born: Put the state House, Senate and governor's office in Democratic hands.
Arizona to vote on rash of ballot measures
Arizonans may get a chance in November to make what could be an earth-shattering change in state politics.
Broad abortion ban appears headed to November ballot
Backers of a measure to guarantee the right to abortion turned in what they said was more than 800,000 signatures on July 3 to put the issue on the November ballot.
Republicans pack ballot with measures to bypass governor’s veto
Voters across Arizona will see their November ballot stuffed with 11 measures referred by Republican lawmakers that cover a wide range of GOP priorities,