Quality assurance staff reportedly prevented CPS cases from being investigated
Some Child Protective Services workers believed to have been involved in preventing thousands of abuse reports from being investigated also took part in a new quality assurance review of the cases in recent weeks.
CPS forum – Messages offer a ray of hope that could lead to reforms
Speakers at a Dec. 3 CPS Community Forum stepped to the microphone three minutes at a time for two hours to deliver old news: Foster parents get no respect, caseworkers are overworked and underpaid, and the Legislature is tight-fisted.
Proposals for fixing CPS emerge
Authorities search for new ideas in the face of an ongoing crisis
Some lawmakers say Child Protective Services needs more money. Others say it should become its own agency, separate from the Department of Economic Security. Another cautions against “reactionary legislation” that won’t really solve anything.
History repeats itself with caseload woes at CPS
Ten years ago this week, Arizona lawmakers were on the verge of approving a law to strengthen Child Protective Services and ensure the agency investigates all cases of neglect and abuse.
Family members react emotionally to ruling on firefighter deaths
An Arizona commission linked the state's Forestry Division to the deaths last summer of 19 wild land firefighters, issuing the ruling after its investigative agency reported on its probe and recommended financial penalties.
Department of Administration lifts stay of mental health contract
The Arizona Department of Administration lifted a stay that had halted a multibillion-dollar contract for behavioral health services in Maricopa County, following a recommendation by an administrative law judge.
Governor gives vote of confidence to DES director
Gov. Jan Brewer voiced her confidence in DES Director Clarence Carter today as she announced a special team to oversee the investigation of thousands of child abuse cases CPS disregarded under his watch.
Legislative fixes to water crisis still elusive
House Speaker Andy Tobin said water legislation is at the top of Arizona’s priority list for next year, but a solution to the state’s impending water crisis is as elusive as ever.
CPS using shortcut method to probe abuse cases that were ignored
The plan to plow through 6,110 abuse reports Child Protective Services ignored calls for using a shortcut investigative method that critics say may be a distinction without a difference.
Senate President Biggs challenges call for CPS funding increase
In the wake of revelations that 6,000 complaints were left uninvestigated by Child Protective Services, Senate President Andy Biggs is resisting calls to give more money to one of Arizona’s most distressed and highly strained agencies — the Department of Economic Security.
‘Heartbreaking, unconscionable’
CPS workers close out thousands of cases before they are investigated
Montgomery, Carter tangle over CPS cases that weren’t investigated
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery and DES Director Clarence Carter co-chaired a task force to make Arizona children safer in 2011 and were united in a plan to make that happen.