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Feb 10, 2012

Unions forego all-out battle with Legislature — for now

Public unions are avoiding a forceful confrontation with conservative lawmakers who are pushing for a slew of anti-union proposals – for now.

Instead of declaring an open war by organizing massive protests at the state Capitol — a tactic adopted by labor unions in Wisconsin who faced a similar threat last year — unions here have had a more tempered response.

Feb 10, 2012

Goldwater Institute branded as ‘lobbyist’ for anti-union bills

Behind an array of proposals to weaken unions is a small but influential conservative group that is partly responsible for moving Arizona’s needle to the right of the political spectrum.

The Goldwater Institute developed and drafted legislation that is now the focal point of what could be the biggest political fight at the state Capitol this year.

But now the group itself, [...]

Feb 9, 2012

Cherny joins CD9 fray

Andrei Cherny announced his candidacy for the 9th Congressional District, a move expected since his resignation last week as chairman of the Arizona Democratic Party.

Feb 9, 2012

Giffords aide Barber jumps into special election

Ron Barber, an aide to former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords who was wounded in the shooting attack that forced her resignation from Congress, announced his candidacy today for the special election to finish the congresswoman’s term.

Feb 8, 2012

Brewer’s personnel plan seeks to ease firing, hiring state workers

Gov. Jan Brewer is seeking to fundamentally alter the way state employees are hired, fired and managed.

In short, the governor wants to make it easier for administrators to hire and fire workers.

In a two-page outline of her “personnel reform” proposal, obtained by the Arizona Capitol Times today, newly hired rank-and-file employees would no longer be considered [...]

Feb 8, 2012

In looming budget fight, Pierce says GOP caucus is ‘further to the right’ than Brewer realizes

The political tango over the shape of the state’s budget for the next few years has begun.

Legislative leaders met with Gov. Jan Brewer Tuesday, but the two sides couldn’t yet agree on how to proceed with crafting the state’s spending plan.

Feb 7, 2012

Anti-union measures advancing quickly

An array of proposals that would significantly weaken public unions is advancing quickly and is now a step closer to getting the nod of the full Senate.

Feb 7, 2012

Senate GOP goes behind closed doors to discuss Brewer’s personnel reform

Republican senators were briefed today about major changes to the state’s personnel system that the governor is seeking.

Feb 7, 2012

Lawmakers, retailers pushing online sales tax

Shoppers who dodge sales taxes by turning to the Internet may see their options begin to narrow if a measure in the Arizona Senate becomes law.

Feb 6, 2012

Referendum would raise the bar on raising taxes

If a proposed constitutional amendment wins voter approval this fall, the threshold for raising taxes at all levels of government in the state will be made significantly higher and could make it nearly impossible for tax increases or extensions to ever occur.

Feb 6, 2012

Quayle to challenge Schweikert in Republican primary

After months of innuendos and hints about where he would run for reelection, U.S. Rep. Ben Quayle announced today that he would switch districts and run against fellow Republican Congressman David Schweikert in a neighboring congressional district.

Feb 6, 2012

GOP lawmakers seeking strict spending caps

Republican legislators are striving to mark Arizona’s centennial with a fundamental change to how the state spends its money that would effectively shackle future Legislatures from creating any new government program unless they found a corresponding place to cut spending.


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