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Oct 31, 2011

FAIR game? How GOP politicians are trying to secretly influence the IRC

How GOP politicians are trying to secretly influence the IRC

A group of high-profile attorneys working for a group called FAIR Trust say they want to help the state's redistricting commission adhere to the legal requirements that govern the high-stakes, once-in-a-decade political remapping process, and the group’s name suggests it is interested in fairness.

But what FAIR T[...]

Oct 29, 2011

IRC will hire attorneys for Brewer inquiry

The embattled Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission will hire attorneys for three members in response to Gov. Jan Brewer’s demands for information about allegations of serious misconduct.

Oct 28, 2011

Cortes’ campaign report poses legal questions

Olivia Cortes’ campaign finance report only deepened a mystery about her short-lived campaign in the Mesa recall election as it failed to resolve serious questions about who helped finance her campaign. Cortes raised roughly $900, but her campaign report filed Thursday didn’t say who paid a signature-gathering firm that circulated petitions, which ultimately helped to get her on the ballot.

Oct 26, 2011

Brewer takes first step in removal of redistricting commissioners

Gov. Jan Brewer demanded answers from the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission about a handful of alleged improprieties, the first step in the process for forcibly removing one or more of the commissioners.

Oct 26, 2011

AZ presidential poll: Romney, Cain in dead heat; both trail Obama

The latest presidential poll in Arizona shows Mitt Romney and Herman Cain in a dead heat for the Republican nomination.

But in a head-to-head contest, both candidates lagged behind President Barack Obama, a surprise given Arizona’s conservative leanings.

Oct 26, 2011

Recall group shells out $6,500 to support Lewis

The group that spearheaded the recall drive against Senate President Russell Pearce spent $6,500 to help Jerry Lewis, according to the latest campaign finance reports.

As an independent expenditure group, Citizens for a Better Arizona spent the money reaching out to voters about the recall election.

Oct 25, 2011

Seel suggests mapping firm retaliated for his bills

Rep. Carl Seel suggested that the Independent Redistricting Commission’s mapping consultants may have put him in a less Republican district in retaliation for his legislative record.

Speaking at Monday’s meeting of the Joint Legislative Committee on Redistricting, Seel, R-Phoenix, questioned why Strategic Telemetry – which has ties to Democratic candidates and causes, including Pres[...]

Oct 25, 2011

Message to lawmakers – education system is economic engine

Call it a sign of the times. It used to be that education advocates could play up the morality angle — that education needed strong financial support because, well, it was the right thing to do. But now, they are taking a new, pragmatic approach.

Oct 24, 2011

Dems’ prized piece

New 9th Congressional District offers unprecedented opportunity

Sometimes a coin flip can be the opportunity of a lifetime.

The proposed 9th Congressional District was designed to be as competitive as possible, but a 50-50 split means a lot more to Democrats than Republicans.

The district, which encompasses Tempe, central Phoenix and Ahwatukee Foothills, is the br[...]

Oct 21, 2011

Lewis’ fundraising reports show mostly Mesa support

Republican Jerry Lewis’ fundraising figures show his core support is homegrown, a far cry from insinuations that he’s backed by “outsiders” intent to topple Senate President Russell Pearce and quash Arizona’s battle against illegal immigration.

Oct 21, 2011

Giffords campaign spending like she’s running

Despite lingering questions over whether she will seek re-election, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ campaign is raising and spending the kind of money that some observers say is a clear indication she’s gearing up to return to Congress.

Oct 20, 2011

Threatened IRC lawsuit may have bleak prospects

Republicans who are upset with the work of the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission are consoling themselves with the thought that they can undo the maps with a lawsuit, but that threat may ring hollow in the end.


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